Letter to the editor – Nancy Hanaman

Dear Editor,

As a Greene County resident, I am concerned a out the education of our young people and events surrounding the alleged rape and sports eligibility issues connected with that.

I appreciated the comments of Dr. David Ohrt, a school board member, at a recent meeting, reminding all of us of our feelings of vulnerability when such events as this occur and our responsibility as parents, teachers, grandparents and others in the community to communicate with our young men and women about treating each other with respect in all situations.

Chuck Offenburger in Offenburger.com also shared some critical insights.

I hope that in light of the school board’s recent consideration of “a revised activity eligibility/good conduct policy” that we remember the young woman and young man involved in this incident. Support is needed for emotional stress now and in the future. Dealing with this situation involves taking responsibility for one’s actions and considering the impact on others. This is a good lesson for all of us.

Nancy Hanaman, Rippey, IA

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